Bihar Rajya Panchyat Parishad Established in 1959 and Registered Under Society Act to help the society at Panchayat Level, is not any program as such it is virtually a thought revolution, Secondly this thought revelution is not any movement for that matter rather it is an honest effort which aims at relating a man to the other by breaking open the feelings of inferiority complex to one another and then infusing into each and every man/women a healthy ideology and self respect. As a matter of fact, every society is tied in the bond of some traditionally popular beliefs of norms.
(A) To establish and develop local self-government among the rural community of the State of Bihar and to organize and improve their social, economic and moral life.
(B) To protect the interests and rights of the Panchayats of the State of Bihar and to compile their difficulties and to make peaceful legislative efforts to resolve them.
(क) बिहार राज्य के ग्रामीण समुदाय के बीच स्थानीय स्वायत शासन की स्थापना और विकास करना एवं उनके सामाजिक, आर्थिक और नैतिक जीवन को संगठित तथा उन्नत करना ।
(ख) बिहार राज्य की पंचायतों के हित और अधिकारों की रक्षा और उनकी कठिनाइयों का संकलन करना और निराकरण के लिए शांतिपूर्ण वैधानिक प्रयत्न करना ।
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